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牛津1A Unit5 Fruit 第一课时

发布时间:2014-01-23 00:00:00 浏览次数: 【字体:


Unit5 Fruit(第一课时)
一年级的孩子喜欢新奇、神秘、有趣的事物,同时注意力集中的时间比较短,针对这些特征,本节课以米老鼠的生日为主线,带领孩子们进入米奇的妙妙屋,通过神奇的妙妙屋,呈现本堂课的四个水果单词,采取What’s missing?Magic eyes. 快乐转盘等方式不断地巩固单词。水果沙拉的制作不仅是本节课的延伸,也让学生了解了西方的饮食习惯。绘本故事A little hungry snake,让孩子们在享受英文故事的同时,拓展学习了水果单词。
1、听懂、会说四种水果的名称:peach, mango, pear,banana.
2、会说歌谣:mango, mango, I love you.
3、初步感知句型:Is this a...?并知道用Yes.\No.来回答。
 Step1 Warming up
1Greetingshellohigood morning
2Sing a song: Good morning to you!
Step2 Presentation
情景:Today is Mickey’s birthday. This is Minnie. This is .... This is ....
They are having a birthday party. Do you want to join them? Yes or no?
Ss: Yes.
T:OK. Let’s go! Oh ,this is Mickey’s club house. Now we should say the magic words. Follow me :
1. Who can introduce? 想要参加派对,要过这一关。
2. Oh, they are missing. Where are they? Let’s find them out.
   出线Toodles, 猜里面的物品。
   T: Is this a ...?(提示多一点)Ss:Yes.
   T: Is this a book\bag?(提示,多请几个人问?)
3. 引导:Is this a ....? Guess! Banana. Teach: banana.
   慢到快,低到高,升降调,个别,火车,两个,三个,男女,一组一组。Read: Is this a banana?
   T: Is this a banana?
   Ss: Yes, it is.
4. T: Is this a banana?
Ss: No.T: This is a .... Mango.Teach: Mango.
拿实物芒果时问:Is this a mango?
Mango, mango, I love you.
5. This is Minnie. She has a present for Mickey. What’s in it? Guess
   拿实物桃子时问:Is this a peach?低到高,升降调,个别,火车,两个,三个,男女,一组一组.
 Peach, peach, I love you. One for me, one for you.
6. This is Donald. He has a present for Mickey, too. What’s in it? Guess
拿实物梨时问:Is this a pear?低到高,升降调,个别,火车,两个,三个,男女,一组一组.
Pear, pear, I love you. One for me, one for you.
Step3 Practice and consolidation
1Read: 跟读,大小声读,指黑板上图片抢答。
2Game: Bomb.
3PPT game: What’s missing?
4PPTWhich fruit? 香蕉干由什么水果制成?
5Magic eyes.
6Teach : Fruit.
7Enjoy a song: Fruit.
      Step 4 Assessment
1、It’s our game time:快乐大转盘。
5Mickey makes some fruit salad for his friends.
Making salads is very easy. Now I will make a wonderful fruit salad. This a mango, a pear, a banana and a peach. And a bowl and a teaspoon. We should have salad cream and yogurt. First of all, wash all the fruit and peel the mango, pear, peach and banana. Then cut them and put them all in a bowl. Then, we need to add the sources and mix them even. Finally, a beautiful fruit salad is complete. Send it to your mum!
Step 5: story time绘本故事
A little hungry snake
Step 6:Homework
1. 听光盘第5单元,并跟读。
2. 把今天听到的故事讲给爸爸妈妈听。
